I believe in every woman! The problem is that not every woman believes in herself. I this is the problem to be solved! So, the next years of my life will be guided by motivation to independence, self-actualization and preparing the basis for All-Ukrainian Charitable Program «The Art to be a Woman» Zaporozhets Yulia, 2012 winner

New competitions and proposals in the section «USEFUL INFORMATION FOR GIRLS»

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Address: 27, Chornovola str., office 221, Kyiv 01135
Тel.: (+380 44) 507-06-10
E-mail: uwf@uwf.org.ua
Website: http://www.uwf.org.ua
Anna Kononenko: a.kononenko@uwf.org.ua 
068 9102489 

Results of the grants competition for propsals submitted by the First Step to Success Program winners in 2013


Within the First Step to Success mini-grants program a call for proposals aimed at improvement of life of local communities was announced for 2013 program winners.

In fact all proposals were assessed highly as projects worth being suppored, and it was uneasy for the experts to make the choice. Proposals were aimed at different  topics and covered different audiences in different regions of Moldova.

As a result of selection process experts have chosen 8 projects, which will receive financial, methodological and informational support from the Ukrainian Women's Fund. 

We sincerely congratulate the competition's winners!

And we invite all program participants to track the UWF announcements and take part in the next initiatives. We wish you success in achieving your goals!

The next stage of grants program is the meeting, where the girls will present their projects, will be trained on project management and reporting and will sign reports between the UWF and Moldovan SCOs that are ready to help the girls in implementing their initiatives.


Projects that will be supported by the UWF:


Руководители проекта: Nicoleta Gonţa and Daniela Moisei

Location: Chisinau

Project title: "Students today - businesswomen tomorrow"

Project description: Integration of 25 women aged 19-25 in entrepreneurship within the program of professional education and personal development "School of young women-entrepreneurs". The program includes trainings, conferences, seminars, debates and other events. Registration of civil society organization and creation of the program alumni.


Project leader: Bogachuk Anna

Location: Rezina

Project title: "Volunteering as a way to change the society"

Project description:  Contribution to development and consolidation of volunteering movement in Rezina. 30 boys and girls of Rezina aged 16-21 will be instructed about rights and responsibilities of volunteer, team work, planning events, practical application of received knowledge, exchange of experience with activists having volunteering skills.

Project leader: Anastasiev Elena

Location: Călărași

Project title: "No to violence against women"

Project description: Creating support groups for girls with low self-esteem, conducting 10 trainings and informing 200 girls about domesticv violence issues. Conducting a fair and further photo exhibition for inhabitants of the town and the district. Informing youth through creating and sharing video about domestic violence.


Project leader: Afteni Ruxanda

Location: Căușeni

Project title: "MAke the first step together"

Project description: Implementing program of leadership education for young women to involve them in volunteering activities conducted in educational institutions of Căușeni and in the entire community. At the final stage of the project joint teams of trained volunteers will conduct events aimed to improve the life of community. The events will attract new activists. The project will be covered by mass media.


Project leader: Stasenko Lina

Location: Bender

Project title: "Leader-2014: Educational program for young leders of Transnistria"

Project description: Forming pro-active approach to life and leadership capacities in young women and men aged 16-23 through their participation in "Leader-2014" school. Conducting contest of projects among trained activists and implementing one mini-project by them.


Project leader: Șeremet Natalia

Location: Chircaiesti

Project title: "Free time - useful pastime"

Project description: Increasing social actvism and inclusion of youth of Chircaiesti by organizing clubs, teams, organizing events, trainings, etc.


Project leader:  Житарь Кристина

Location: Hulboaca and Gratiesti

Project title: "All for Children"

Project description: Integration in the society more than 20 children from Hulboaca and Gratiesti, whose parents are labor migrants. Preparing 10 volunteers and organizing active pastime for neglected children.




Программа мини-грантов в Молдове.
Рассмотрение заявок.

Украинский женский фонд получил 11 проектных предложений на конкурс мини-грантов. Проекты касаются самых разнообразных проблем, которые актуальны для региональных сообществ Молдовы. Среди проектов и бизес-школы, и программы активизации молодежи к участию в общественной жизни, и комплес мероприятий по повышению имиджа сельской школы и многие другие идеи.

Мы рады активному участию победительниц первого этапа программы "Первый шаг к успеху" в конкурсе мини-грантов.
Авторки представленных проектов:

Богачук Анна
Попова  Алеся
Анастасьева Елена Анатольевна
Афтени Руксанда
Киричок Анна
Николета Гонца
Даниела Моисей
Postolache Ana
Rotari Cristina
Стасенко Лина
Шеремет Наталия
Житарь Кристина

Экспертная комиссия рассматривает предложенные заявки и 4 марта будут объявлены результаты. Финансирование будет предоставляться на воплощение в жизнь практичной, конкретной идеи, реализация которой предполагает творческий поход, работу в команде, решение проблемы местного сообщества.

Независимо от решения комиссии, искренне желаем успеха всем авторкам заявок!


Украинский Женский Фонд

объявляет о начале программы мини-грантов.


К участию в конкурсе приглашаются победительницы программы «Первый шаг к успеху» в Молдове 2013 года.

   Объявление  конкурса.

   Аппликационная форма.

Ждем Ваши проекты до 15 февраля 2014 года.


Если у Вас возникнут дополнительные вопросы, обращайтесь, пожалуйста к:

Анне Кононенко, координатору программы  anna@uwf.org.ua.


Ольге Постовану, ассистенту программы в Молдове olga_postovanu@yahoo.com


New on Ukrainian Women's Portal