We are not just a crowd to be governed and to be influenced. We are, first of all, citizens with rights that are now violated. I wish everyone understand that. Kulakevych Anastasia, 2013 winner

New competitions and proposals in the section «USEFUL INFORMATION FOR GIRLS»

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Address: 27, Chornovola str., office 221, Kyiv 01135
Òel.: (+380 44) 507-06-10
E-mail: uwf@uwf.org.ua
Website: http://www.uwf.org.ua
Anna Kononenko: a.kononenko@uwf.org.ua 
068 9102489 

Equality Festival - 2014
The Equality Festival will take place in Kyiv on December 13-16. The event is organized by the Coalition for Combating Discrimination in Ukraine and NGO "Insight" in partnership with the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Commissioner for Human Rights, with the support of International renaissance Foundation and Heinrich Böll Foundation’s Office in Ukraine.
Opening of photo exhibition "Women and Conflict in Ukraine"
Official opening of the exhibition will take place on December 3, 2014 at 17:00 in the premises of the Small exhibition hall in Ukrainian House (Kyiv, 1, Khreschatyk street).
Urgent grants for women`s organizations from Ukrainian Women`s Fund
The competition's goal is to support urgent actions and initiatives that can contribute to promoting women's rights and protecting their interests in conflict situation.
Training on writing project prposals in Uzhgorod, Lviv and Rivne
West-Ukrainian Representatiove office of the International Renaissance Foundation announces the training on writing project proposals for organizations in the West of Ukraine.
Training on planning and writing project prposals
International Renaissance Foundation announces the call for particiapnts of the training on writing project proposals for organizations from the East of Ukraine

Verkhovna Rada Internship
"Youth Initiative" NGO with support of the National Endowment for Democaracy (USA) announce the competition for youth internship in Verkhovna Rada for 2015.
EU Study Days
The ninth session of EU Study Days in Ukraine will take place on October 29 - November 2, 2014 in Kyiv
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The Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe will conduct on September 30 - October 2 in Chernihiv the Second Regional training seminar for young leaders. The seminar can be a great opportunity for meetings and coversations with international and Ukrainian politics, experts, deputies, and Ukrainian members of the Congress.
Small grants program to disseminate the best experience of civil society initiatives
The goal is to promote activities of communities in Donetsk, Dnipropetrovsk, Zaporizhia, Luhansk and Kharkiv regions through implementation of small social projects with wide involvement of local population in project activities. See more details (in Ukrainian)
FRIDA The Young Feminist Fund Is Launching Its Third Call For Proposals!
FRIDA | The Young Feminist Fund is the only youth-led fund focused exclusively on supporting global young feminist activism to advance social justice movements and agendas.
Verkhovna Rada Internship Program 2014-2015
The program supposes internship in Verkhovna Rada commitees and administration for the citizens of Ukraine who have basic ðøïðóê education (bachelor's degree) and are under 29 years old as of July 27.
Micro-grants for small human rights protection groups
Micro-grants for small human rights protection groups
Avon Communications Awards: Speaking Out About Violence Against Women by submitting your organizations materials to the Communications X-Change.
When you contribute your materials (posters, pamphlets, video, etc.) to the Communications X-Change by February 4, 2013, you'll be automatically eligible to win a grant of between $5,000 and $10,000 for your organization's critical work.
Educational program for young female civil society activists in Vinnytsia region
Vinnytsia Non-governmental organization «Informational and Educational Center «VIS» informs about the beginning of the new project «Forming gender culture of young Podillya inhabitants: informational and educational vector» and announces a competition for participation in educational program
Do you like visiting museums? Visit Museum of Women`s History
This Museum was created by women for women, though men also willingly visit its exhibitions. The Museum has a large collection, dozens of exhibitions, which were many times shown in different regions of Ukraine and were honored abroad.

CALL FOR PROPOSALS 2011-2012. FRIDA Young Feminists Fund
FRIDA | The Young Feminist Fund invites applications from groups led by young women and transgender youth under 30 years for grants of up to USD 5,000
It\'s time to take a pencil
EU-UNDP Equal opportunities and women's rights in Ukraine Program announces a contest of gender caricature «Gender stereotype - parody of reality»
Educational on-line game for teenagers against domestic violence is launched
The game is available in social networks «Vkontakte» and «Facebook» and is aimed for teenagers. It shows different virtual situations connected with violence, where they have to choose the most expedient way of behavior. The game makes teenagers think that about violence in own life and that of their environment and stimulates positive behavior in the real world.
Contest of movies «Wildlife Ukraine»
United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in Ukraine and Goethe Institut in Ukraine announce the launch of movies contest "Wildlife Ukraine".
2012-2013 Reagan-Fascell Democracy Fellows Program National Endowment for Democracy
The Reagan-Fascell Democracy Fellows Program at the Washington, D.C.-based National Endowment for Democracy invites applications for fellowships in 2012-2013. This federally-funded program enables democracy activists, practitioners, scholars, and journalists from around the world to deepen their understanding of democracy and enhance their ability to promote democratic change. Dedicated to international exchange, this five-month, residential program offers a collegial environment for fellows to reflect on their experiences and consider best practices; conduct independent research and writing; engage with colleagues and counterparts in the United States; and develop professional relationships within a global network of democracy advocates.
The Second International Democracy Conference in Leipzig: We Are Democracy!
On October 13-14 in Leipzig, the second International Democracy Conference will be devoted to the topic of ‘Youth and Politics in a Dialogue’ under the motto ‘We are democracy!’. The conference is under the patronage of Bundestag President Prof. Dr. Norbert Lammert. Target Group: 18-27 year olds from Central, Eastern, and Southeastern Europe
Ukrainine of my dream contest of written creative works
European Association of Ukrainians invites everyone to dream how each of us wants to see Ukraine in III millenium? In what society each of us wants to live, what state to develop? On what values, grounds ideas the future of Ukraine be created? What is it necessary to do to make a dreamed Ukaine the reality?
Youth gender camp eliminates gender stereotypes
July 12-16, Kyiv. About 100 young people from all parts of Ukraine aged from 18 to 35 took part in summer GenderCamp. During thir stay in GenderCamp the participants had trainings on gender sensitivity, counteracting domestic violence as well as on camera work, directing, producing and disseminating ideas in social media. The camp was organized by EU-UNDP Equal Opportunities and Women's Rights in Ukraine Program within "Gene of Equality" gener documentaries contest.
«Gene of Equality» Documentaries contest
Contest of short-length documentrieson gender issues «Gene of Equality» is initiated by UN Development Program in Ukraine with financila support of EU Delegation in Ukraine. The contet goal is to attract attention of young people to the problem of domestic violence, unequal rights and opportunities of women and menin different aspects of social and family life. Participants: young peopleaged 18-35, particularly, students of higher educational institutions all over Ukraine
Ministry of Labor and Social Policy is now responsible for gender policy in Ukraine
According to the Decree of the President of Ukraine No. 389/2011 formation and implementation of state policy on ensuring equal opportunities for women and men became one of the main tasks of the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy of Ukraine
Support for gender studies and gender education in Ukrainian Universities, Scientific and research centers

International Scientific and Research conference «Gender Education as a Resources for Parity Democracy»
International Scientific and Research conference ''Gender Education as a Resources for Parity Democracy'' is conducted as conclusion of V² All-Ukrainian Contest of Students and Young Scientists in the sphere of Gender Studies The Conference goal is to disseminate gender knowledge as strategic direction of state gender policy, to implement gender sensitive approach in the sphere of humanitarian education
Letter to the President of Ukraine from non-governmental organizations
Because of the Decree of the President of Ukraine ¹ 1085 "On Optimization of Central Executive Authorities System" dated 11.12.2010, the Ministry of Ukraine for Family, Youth and Sports, whose competence during the years 1995 – 2010 was development and implementation of state gender policy, was liquidated. That caused a great harm for the national mechanism of ensuring gender equality, which has been step by step developed by Ukrainian civil society in collaboration with governmental bodies
Legislative Fellowship Program
Apply Now to Become a Fall 2011 Legislative Fellow!
New MP will raise number of women in the VRU
New MP will raise number of women in the VRU
Heinrich Böll Foundation\'s Office in Ukraine announces small grants comprtition-2011
Small grants competition - 2011 invites to participate non-governmental (non-profit) organizations and inititive groups from Ukraine, which are motivated to contribute to civil society development in Ukraine through practical and small actions (projects) and take active part in democratic processes in their environment both at local and at national level.
Gender equality award - Spring 2011
Women's Information Consultative center invites to submit candidates for spring gender equality award 2011.
Equal Opportunities and Women`s Rights in Ukraine Programme announces tenders for ScriptWriter (a national expert on scriptwriting) for the educational films
Equal Opportunities and Women`s Rights in Ukraine Programme announces tenders for ScriptWriter (a national expert on scriptwriting) for the educational films
March 8 - History in photos
UNDP Equal Opportunities and Women's Rights Project is preparing a new big project to the 100 anniversary of celebrating the 8the of March: «March 8 – History in Photos». It is planned to prepare and present in Ukrainian House the exhibition of 100 photos representing the history of Ukrainian women for 100 years, showing photos that would demonstrate changes in women's roles, their contribution in the society development.
A Letter to Mrs. Helen Clark
Helen Clark, Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and Chair of the United Nations Development Group visited Ukraine from December 11-15. This is the first official visit of a UNDP Administrator to Ukraine. Below there is the letter submitted to H.Clark by Ukrainian Women's Organizations
Scientific and practical conference «The Role of Women in Sustainability of Local Communities» (Belarus)
Dear colleagues! We invite you to take part in scientific and practical conference «The Role of Women in Sustainability of Local Communities». The conference goal is to generalize theoretical knhowledge and practical skills of work with women's community to make make them more active and engage in social and poolitical life of the country.
The Commission adopted a five-year strategy for promoting equality between women and men in Europe. The strategy aims in particular to make better use of women's potential, thereby contributing to the EU's overall economic and social goals.
Future of women\'s movement: what is it?
On June 22, 2010 in Kyiv Ukrainian Women’s Fund conducted the All-Ukrainian Conference of women’s organizations "Ukrainian Women’s Movement: Myth or reality?...".
Meeting of the working group on development of the State Program \"National Action Plan for ensuring gender equality for the period till 2016\"
On June 18, 2010 from 10.00 to 13.00 the Ministry of Ukraine for Family, Youth and Sports conducted the meeting of working grop on development of the State Program "National Action Plan for ensuring gender equality for the period till 2016"

New on Ukrainian Women's Portal