We are not just a crowd to be governed and to be influenced. We are, first of all, citizens with rights that are now violated. I wish everyone understand that. Kulakevych Anastasia, 2013 winner

New competitions and proposals in the section «USEFUL INFORMATION FOR GIRLS»

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Address: 27, Chornovola str., office 221, Kyiv 01135
Òel.: (+380 44) 507-06-10
E-mail: uwf@uwf.org.ua
Website: http://www.uwf.org.ua
Anna Kononenko: a.kononenko@uwf.org.ua 
068 9102489 

Video success stories of 2012 projects
By initiative of Hanna Tarkaniy, 2006 program winner, within the project "Creating youth videos on socially important topics" besides others they created videos about social initiatives of other program participants, which were implemented in all territory of Ukraine.
Success stories of the program winners. Natalia Kryvoi, Zhytomyr
Organization led by Natalia Kryvoi received new grant from the Department for Family, Youth and Sports at Zhytomyr city council. We wish success in the project implementation!
Story of one project, Plyuta Chrtstyna
Chrystyna Plyuta tells about new events of her project
Success events of te current project - Kit (Plyuta) Khystyna, Lviv, 2007 winner
Within the project «Gender education in schools of Lviv oblast» we started conducting trainings for high school students in schools of general education of Lviv oblast.
Story of one project - Zanyk Khrystyna, 2007 program winner
The School of Active Youth project has been implemented in Kolomyia during 2011
Striding to Success - Chabanenko Tetyana (Kostina), 2007 winner, Simferopol
In 2007 - young first year student, now - University graduate. Only five years and a whole life behind.
Story of one event - Vdovichen Anastasia, 20100 program winners, Okhtyrka, Sumy region
In March in Okhtyrka Center of social adaptation for children of labor migrants (on the basis of "ªâðî Stella" club at Okhtyrka high school) Anastasia Vdovichen conducted one of the series of trainings.
Striding to Success - Havrylova Anastasiya, 2008 program winner, Mykolayiv
Irrespective of the fact that everybody thought me freak. It was difficult and interesting. A year has passed. Now people who meet me and hear Ukrainian language say that they respect me and my choice. And it is the best award!
Year after Victory - Yana Verteba, 2010 program winner, Mariupol
«Has it realle ended…!?», - I thougt either with sadness or with pleasure, when he last paticipant left the conference-hall...
Striding to Success - Kozlyuk Olha, 2006 program winner, Kamyanka, Rivne region
What could happen with provincial 16 years old girl after she lunched at one table with Mash Yefrosynina? One needn't be Sherlock Holmes to understand that I turned into the star.
Striding to Success - Dekhtyariova Oksana, 2007 program winner, Luhansk
I am very proud that sometimes two years ago a girl from Luhansk, a little worried and unaware what would be further, came to Kyiv to the meeting with famous women, received enormous experience, which is now an integral part of all my achievements and successes.
Shcherbakova Valeria, Zaporizhia region, Melitopol, Project: Treasure-Hunter
Revival of spiritual values and improving employment of rural youth through involvement teenagers in developing tourist routes and conducting excursions around native land, reviving folk crafts and manufacturing souvenirs
Tvardovska Vita, Mykolayiv region, Snigurivka, Porject: Healthy Child – Healthy Nation
Improving health of population in Snigurivka town through informational and educational work and organizing sports clubs with participation of disabled people
Samiylenko Yulia, Poltava region, Novy Martynovychy village. Project: The Spring of Soul
Consolidating community and providing assistance in conducting cultural events for inhabitants of Novy Martynovychy village through development of their creative potential - Conducting song festival "The Spring of Soul"
Sozonik Olha, Volyn region, Lutsk
Assisting in elimination of gender stereotypes at labor market and decreasing youth unemployment in Lutsk city through conducting the competition “My vision of professional success”, organizing training and publishing the directory
Bahatska Lubov, Zaporizhia rgion, Tokmak; Project: Media Pelette: Youth Information page
Creating, permanent updating and disseminating youth information bulletin "Media-Palette" within local weekly publication to assist in devloping democaracy and civil society in Tokmak town.
Migali Zhanna, Zakarpattya, Uzhgorod, New Family
Attracting public attention of Uzhgorod city to talented orphans. Providing children with the opportunity to demonstrate that they are worthy community members by organizing and conducting charitable concert.
Kozachenko Olha (Balyuk Natalia) Lviv
Social development of young people's personality through interactive forms of education in the context of social work according to phlosophy and ethics of non-violence.
Bilousenko Yulia - Kryvoy Natalia, Zhytomyr, Porject: Socialization of female students, including young mothers
Socialization of female students, including young mothers, through raising their awareness of employment opportunities and acquiring assertiveness skills through training program.
Shteyuk Uliana, Lviv region, Vovkiv village. Project: Revival of theatrical and ritual traditions of Vovkiv village
Raising public activism of Vovkiv village inhabitants through revival and sharing theatrical and ritual traditions, creating theater studio
Akopyan Karine, Kirovohrad, Project: Equal Access
Assisting in elimination of social isolation of young people with limited abilities of Kirovohrad region by involving them in informational and educational events.
Aleksiychk Khrystyna, Kherson, Project: Let`s make Kherson clean!
Attracting attention to ecological situation in the region, engaging youth and representatives of Kherson city governance to implementing the project of cleaning the city through organizing and conducting round tables, competitions and youth action "Let's make Kherson clean!"

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