Winners of Gender Vernissage photo contest are announced
Congratulations to the winners of Gender Vernissage photo contest!
Selection of contest works has come to an end. We thank everybody who took part in the contest and eveluating it. The winners were selected by common vote of UWF and the program participants.
We congratulate
Kozhevnikova Lidia
Aleksiychuk Khrystyna
Kryvoi Natalia
Bagatska Lyubov
Dekhtyariova Oksana
Gifts are prepared for the winners: bright umbrellas «Successful and Smiling» and CDs with collection of documentaries about gender.
You can watch photo gallery again here
Thank you for participation in the contest and attention to the program initiatives!!!
Wish you new achievements and interesting events!
New competitions and proposals in the section «USEFUL INFORMATION FOR GIRLS»