I believe in every woman! The problem is that not every woman believes in herself. I this is the problem to be solved! So, the next years of my life will be guided by motivation to independence, self-actualization and preparing the basis for All-Ukrainian Charitable Program «The Art to be a Woman» Zaporozhets Yulia, 2012 winner

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Address: 27, Chornovola str., office 221, Kyiv 01135
Òel.: (+380 44) 507-06-10
E-mail: uwf@uwf.org.ua
Website: http://www.uwf.org.ua
Anna Kononenko: a.kononenko@uwf.org.ua 
068 9102489 

Meeting of the UWF grantees in Moldova

n April 15, 2014 Ukrainian Women's Fund conducted the meeting with representatives of women's organizations of Moldova awarded with the UWF's grants, as well as with winners of Moldova First Step to Success mini-grants competition.

Within these two competitions in Moldova the UWF supported totally 19 projects: 11 projects of women's organizations and 8 projects of girls-winners of the First Step to Success mini-grants competitions.

The meeting with grantees included the following stages:

  • presentation of the Fund’s staff about different directions of work, the Fund’s programs, their goals, peculiarities, how they are connected with each other, and how women’s organizations can make use of these programs;
  • participants’ presentations of their organizations and the projects supported;informing  about the procedures of drawing and submitting reports to the UWF during and after the project realization, providing information about the project;
  • signing grant agreements.

This year meeting in Moldova brought innovation in a format of such gatherings. It was for the first time when the meeting gathered grantees of different generations – experienced women's organizations and girls-leaders just starting their way in women's movement. During hte event they had opportunity not only to present their organizations and their projects, but also had opportunity to make thematic groups and discuss issues important for further work, problems they can face during activities in a certain fiels, plans, etc.

List of grantees and supported projects can be found in "Supported projects" section

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