The UWF announced grants competition 2012
First Step to Success continues!
Ukrainian Women's Fund announces the beginning of 2012 grants program.
We invite to participate in the grants competition participants of the First Step to Success Program, who have not received grants from
Ukrainian Women's Fund before.
Mini-grants program consists of the following stages:
- Submitting to the UWF the letter of intent (1 page), where you give a short description of idea and draft action plan of the future project, results you expect and total amount of money necessary to implement your project. Everything should be set forth clearly, laconically and logically. Don't forget to write your surname, city and the year you became the Program winner.
Deadline for submitting letter of intentioon – August 5, 2012.
2. Active participation in discussing new topics on the First Step to Success Forum:
- «Mentorship. Assistance in implementing grants»
- «Summer. Lert's unite pleasant and useful»
- «Compertition. What we are interested in»
- «Support. I make decisions!»
These new topics will help us learn about expectations of the Program participants, their readiness to take part in new initiatives and be actively collaborative.
3. Participantion of the authors of best letters' in the training on planning, elaborating and writing project proposals, implementing projects and reporting peculiarities. Approximate date – September 15, place - Kyiv (expenses of participation in the training are covered by organizers).
4. Finding by each Program participant non-governmental organization in her place, through which the project will be financed. The UWF reserved the right to recommend such organizations.
5. Preparing the project, filling application form and submitting it to Ukrainian Women's Fund (if necessary, revising the project).
6. Awarding grants. Drawing up documents, transferring funds.
7. Beginning of projects implementation – December 1, 2012.
8. Submitting financial and narrative reports to the UWF.
Financing will be given to implement practical, concrete idea, which supposes creative approach, team work, solving problems of local communities. You can submit no more than two ideas shaped in separate letters of intent.
Pay attention that maximum amount of grant is 5 000 hryvnyas, and maximum project term is 6 months.
We are waiting for your letters of intention till August 5, 2012 to e-mail
If you have any additional questions, address them, please to:
Anna Kononenko, First Step to Success Program Coordinator, 095 282 99 65.
Program participants, whose letters of intent are found the best, will be invited to Kyiv to have training on proposals writing.