Marta Kolomayets: ...These girls are full of ideas, they are enchanted with love, Ukrainian literature, they cite poetry, believe that everything is possible in this life. They see wider, brighter and clearer. They know history, past, as it is necessary to create future. They dream not only about personal happiness, but about improving life of their environment, their communty.

New competitions and proposals in the section «USEFUL INFORMATION FOR GIRLS»

Ïîäïèñàòüñÿ íà ðàññûëêó

Address: 27, Chornovola str., office 221, Kyiv 01135
Òel.: (+380 44) 507-06-10
Anna Kononenko: 
068 9102489 

Community of Practice-2012

«First Step to Success» - ì³æíàðîäíèé international expeience.

Community of Practice, Nicaragua, August 2012.

In the beginning of August 2012 in NIcaragua there was a meeting of women's funds that work with girls and yong women.

«Young leaders fom all parts of the world - Hongkong, Chlie, Guatemala, Netherlands, Mongolia and Ukraine - gathered in Managua. Ukrainian team was represented by Ukrainian Women's Fund – tells Oksana Dekhtyaryova, First Step to Success Program winner 2007 and active member of the UWF Board - I had opportunity to share my experience of young women's leadership with the girls from all over the world, tell them about First Step Program and about the work of Ukrainian Women's Fund. I think it is very important  to share information about success and peculiarities of our program. Besides, I took part in the working session of CoP, where I cold share my ideas and thoughts concerning the future of CoP.»

During the meeting its work was planned in such way that all participants could get acquainted and present their experience of work with youth, cold discuss peculiarities of work, problems and challenges in different countries, and worked on perspectives of development.

Anna Kononenko, First Step to Success program coordinator notes: «Experience of collegues from Central-American Women's Fund and Frida Fund inspired us to introduce new approaches to work in mini-grants program. So, now selection of the program grantees is carrie out by a new scheme – we involve girls in the procedure of analyzing applicatins and are waiting for results, impressins and conclusions».


Very imporant was the fact that this year the meeting invited not only representatives of women's funds that have youth programs, but also young grantees of these funds, which added new thoughts, new visions to the meeting.

UWF highly values the opportunity to learn about new, differnt approaches to work with youth and is glad to share own findings and experience.

We are grateful to Mama Cash fund for possibility of such meeting, FCAM (Central American Women’s Fund) for hospitality and all colleagues for pleasant communication and useful experience.

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