Training on writing proposals for winners of 2012 contest of letters of intent
On September 28 there was a training on writing proposals for the girls, authors of letters of intent, who received the majority of votes for ideas of improving life of local communities.
This year assessment of applications was conducted by the scheme new for First Step to Success Program: participants by themselves evaluated all applications and selected those ideas they thought the most useful and worth to be supported.
Girls noted that such assessment procedure is rather objective and supported this initiative.
13 applications were submitted to the competition of letters of intent (short description is given below), sevn of which were selected as the best ones.
The girls again came to Kyiv, this time as winners of the next program stage and this day was devoted to learning how to prepare and write project proposals to receive financing to implement their ideas.
The training consisted of both theoretical part and practical tasks, which helped master acquired information. Participants discussed serious issues, problems existing in communities, ways to solve them, practical work girls can do. And their talk was rather positive and useful, and each of them even had time to prepare «2 minutes' speech to Bill gates». Here is one of speeches.
«Dear Mr. Bill! You have to understand me better than anybody, as you built your business by creating informational systems for computers, systems that are a kind of live blood for their work.
I ask you to make donation for charitable project directed at saving human lives by donating this very blood. Blood that many people need. I know how to inform people about benefit of this deed, and what to do to attract their attention. If you support my idea, thousands of people will wish to save others.
I know, by that you can give life not only to computers» Rybalko Karina.
And though there were not many girls, the work appeared to be of high quality, informative and full of discussions. All girls returned home with notes, and some of them even with whole posters and results of their group work. As Ira Sokur wrote to answer the question «What information received during the training was the most useful for you: «The essence of making the project is that for me it is the first experience of independent social work. That's why I want greatly to achieve success and be useful for my community, as well as for the UWF».
Before October 20 the girls have to submit to the UWF completed application forms to receive financing, after that expert commission will select winner of mini-grants competition.
«I would like to wish for all participants to have much strength to overcome existing problems, enthusiasm, optimism, support from other organizations, sponsors and just friends» widhed Kateryna Dvoriadkina in the end of training.
Here is the whole list of submitted ideas:
- «Art-studio for development of talent» - it will be developing classes that would contribute to formation of creative vision in attendees (singing; basics of acting technique; English language; photo classes; training course «How to Become Successful!»; design and different art classes.
- The project is aimed at helping to orphans and homeless animals. It is planned to involve children in care of animals, search for new masters for them, conducting a fair to collect money (selling photos and souvenirs) to support orphanage and shelter.
- Conducting informational campaign in schools and kindergardens of the city, informing general public of support service 386, as well as of activities of «Love» foundation, which provides housing for victims of domestic violence, organizing charitable party to collect money for things necessary for vicitms living in the foundation's shelter.
- Conducting informational campaign among youth to form attitude to oncology as to serious and dangerous though curable disease. Within the project implementation website will be created, it will place information about prevention, diagnostics and treatment of different oncological diseases, statistical information and data about city oncological dispensary; groups will be created in social networks; informational leaflets will be shared in the city educational institutions.
- Organizing English language camp for children from orphanage by students of department of foreign languages.
- «FIND FAIRY TALE AMONG GREY WALLS!» - involving active youth to search of data about their city, its history, biogrphies of famous fellow-citizens, interesting facts of geographical, geological and biological origin, creating brochure, hanging informational posters.
- Forming in the city fashion for charity, and thus stimulate development of social responsibility of business and encourage citizens to make contribution to development of charitable activities, social projects and ideas for sustainable development of the city and its inhabitants. Conducting a contest "Philanthropistof the city", round table and trainings on social responsibility, publishing pamphlets, brochures and flowers - symbol of the project.
- «Volunteering is cool!» - Attracting attention of authorities and society to necessity to develop volunteering movement among the city youth by organizing two days' "School of volunteers", debates for high school students, contest of the best volunteer, placing bill-board, etc.
- «Студія петриківського розпису – шлях до зайнятості сільських дівчат та популяризації народних ремесел". Створення студії «Петриківського розпису» для дівчат сіл та міста Дніпропетровської області, навчання дівчат студії мистецтву продажу та основам підприємництва та ін.
- Підвищення свідомості населення, збільшення кількості людей, які прагнуть стати донорами і допомогти у вирішенні проблеми нестачі крові, шляхом проведення інформаційної компанії, розповсюдження листівок, проведення лекцій в ВУЗах, організація флеш-мобу, створення міського сайту.
- Підвищення поінформованості громади щодо шляхів зараження та запобігання поширенню вірусу імунодефіциту, шляхом проведення конкурсу широкомасштабної фотографії на тему: «НЕБЕЗПЕКА!!!Віл Снід поруч» з подальшою організацією виставки та розповсюдженням буклетів.
- Допомога Соціальному центру матері та дитини с. Чистеньке Сімферопольського району в підтримці молодих матерів з неблагополучних сімей, які тимчасово проживають в Соціальному Центрі шляхом організації зустрічей з психологом та юристом, створення постійно діючої бібліотеки, з сучасною літературою.
- Сприяння розвитку волонтерського руху в місті, за допомогою організації тренінгової програми "Я - волонтер": тренінги, зустрічі з громадськими активістами, навчання від експертів, зустрічі з волонтерами Корпусу Миру, тощо.