Marta Kolomayets: ...These girls are full of ideas, they are enchanted with love, Ukrainian literature, they cite poetry, believe that everything is possible in this life. They see wider, brighter and clearer. They know history, past, as it is necessary to create future. They dream not only about personal happiness, but about improving life of their environment, their communty.

New competitions and proposals in the section «USEFUL INFORMATION FOR GIRLS»

Ïîäïèñàòüñÿ íà ðàññûëêó

Address: 27, Chornovola str., office 221, Kyiv 01135
Òel.: (+380 44) 507-06-10
Anna Kononenko: 
068 9102489 

Announcement of the international meeting of the new project participants within the First Step to Success Program

Kyiv will host the meeting of young civil society activists from

Ukraine, Moldova and Belarus. 

During the year 2013 created network of leaders will implement the developed strategy

of joint actions to strengthen youth women's movement in the three countries


On November 28 - December 1, 2012 ðîêó within the project «Youth Charity Unites Countries», young representatives of civil society movement from Ukraine, Moldova and Belarus will gather to the international meeting.

Girls will gather to discuss successes and difficulties they face in social life of their communities, to exchange experience of work, the best practices, new ideas and opinions, innovative approaches and techniques, as well as to develop the strategy of joint actions for strengthening young women's movement. As a result it will contribute to: 

•   personal growth of the project participants – acquiring new knowledge, skills and practices,        

•   creating a network of young activists reay to work effectively for the benefit of their communities,

•   development of youth civil society movement in the three countries,

•   implementation of joint effective actions at places.

Ukrainian Women's Fund emphacsizes that involving young female activists assissts in strengthening position of women's movement, creating innovative ideas, new vision, energy, as well as promoting existing organizations and raising efficiency of their activities. 

Place of conducting the meeting: «Trypillya» Kyiv region, Pidhirtsy village.

Project «Youth's Charity Unites Countries» is implemented by Ukrainian Women's Fund with support of East-East program of the International Renaissance Foundation.

The project partners:
National Center of Information and Women's Studies "Partnership for Development" (Moldova) and Social Association "Mogilev Women's Center of support and self-education"(Bilorus).

Project «Youth's Charity Unites Countries» is a part of the concept of development of First Step to Success Program, which has been successfully implemented in Ukraine since 2006. The program idea is to involv and strengthen young female activists, who are ready to work for the benefit of local communities, but have limited possibilities, knowledge and resources to implement their ideas.

Ukrainian Women's Fund,
79 Artema str., office 38, Kyiv 04050
Tel: 044 568 53 89

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