It seems my real hgh quality life started in 2007, when I won the First Step to Success contest. Then feelings were incredible, as I met famous women-leaders successful in professional and social life; I received knowledge for my further development and, in fact, today have result, - Evelina Gurnytska, 2007 program winner, tells her story

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Meeting of the Program participants. The second day

May 30, 2014




The second day supposed less fruitful agenda. Simultaneously in two premises young participants had the following master-classes:
-    Civil society initiatives and collaboration with mass media;
-    Civil
society initiatives and social networks;
-    Education in the sphere of human rights and youth’s participation in developing youth policy;
-    Interactive presentation “Ecology. The facts of human influence”;
-    Using international experience while working on projects

This day each of “newcomers” had a special task – to present own project. Besides, all participants had meetings with Olesya Bondar – Director of Ukrainian Women’s Fund, Marta Kolomayets and Tetyana Lyakhovetska, as founders of the First Step to Success Program. Iryna Danylevska, the founder of the Ukrainian Fashion Week became the special guest of the event.
«From my own experie
nce I can tell that communication with such famous and successful women raises self-esteem, inspires, becomes an incentive for more active behavior notwithstanding of all barriers. Each of us girls got a certain lesson, found supporters, colleagues, the team, which will help to change things for the better». 
Prepared by Ruslana Boandarenko (the First Step to Success Program winner 2014)

Besides, this day the girls presented their projects, which brought them to the meeting of the First Step to Success Program winners. Traditionally the projects considered diverse social problems. Each of the girls is inspired and full of spirit and readiness to act. And the shot of enthusiasm, which, undoubtedly, each of them found in this project, will give them more strength and desire to change the world for better starting from own small local community. This their victory is not the first, but far from the last step to great achievements.
Prepared by Viktoria Biryukova (winner of the First Step to Success Program - 2007)

This year fifteen participants from different regions of Ukraine had opportunity to present their projects. Their ideas, on experts’ opinion, were the most creative and socially important. At that the spheres of their implementation were extremely diverse: business and politics, help to orphans and educational programs for school children, youth media and popularizing ecological culture, social assistance for pensioners and many other interesting things.




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