It seems my real hgh quality life started in 2007, when I won the First Step to Success contest. Then feelings were incredible, as I met famous women-leaders successful in professional and social life; I received knowledge for my further development and, in fact, today have result, - Evelina Gurnytska, 2007 program winner, tells her story

New competitions and proposals in the section «USEFUL INFORMATION FOR GIRLS»

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Address: 27, Chornovola str., office 221, Kyiv 01135
Òel.: (+380 44) 507-06-10
Anna Kononenko: 
068 9102489 

Announcement of the New Contest in the First Step to Success Program

If you have leadership abilities, wish top be useful for your community and search for personal development, we invite you to try and make the first step to success.

We are sure that youth plays a special role in the life of the country. That’s why First Step to Success Program is designed to give incentive, to assist in development and to support girls who wish to improve their communities, but have little possibilities, knowledge and skills to realize their talents. You can learn more details about the program in the internet-journal

Girls aged 16-23 are invited to take part in the contest. A special attention is paid to participation of girls from remote areas, small cities and villages.

The contest winners will be able to:

  • spend two interesting days in Kyiv, meet and communicate with successful women who play important role in cultural, political, social and business life in Ukraine and abroad;
  • take part in training programs;
  • have internship and get practical experience of work in civil society organization;
  • take part in mini grants competition and receive financing to implement own leaders projects and ideas;
  • join the forum of young female leaders and communicate with associates; 
  • be involved in other events and international projects.

Participation in the program, including traveling, accommodation and meals, is free for its winners.

To take part in the contest it is necessary to:

1.      Fill the application form «I want to improve the life of my community». Application form is attached.

Priority will be given to works:

-  authors of which are able to show their personality, own attitude to indicated problem, their leadership potential;

-  with original, new, interesting ideas and real ways to improve the life of community;

-  authors of which would not postpone writing their works till the deadline.

2.      Send the work before April 24, 2011 to e-mail or mailing address of Ukrainian Women’s Fund: 79, Artema str., office 38, Kyiv, 04050.

Works sent after the deadline and such that do not meet the contest requirements wont be considered.

All contest participants will be informed about results before June 1, 2011.

The Programs Organizational Committee

Contact person:

Anna Kononenko, First Step to Success Program Coordinator,

095 282 99 65

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