I believe in every woman! The problem is that not every woman believes in herself. I this is the problem to be solved! So, the next years of my life will be guided by motivation to independence, self-actualization and preparing the basis for All-Ukrainian Charitable Program «The Art to be a Woman» Zaporozhets Yulia, 2012 winner

New competitions and proposals in the section «USEFUL INFORMATION FOR GIRLS»

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Address: 27, Chornovola str., office 221, Kyiv 01135
Òel.: (+380 44) 507-06-10
E-mail: uwf@uwf.org.ua
Website: http://www.uwf.org.ua
Anna Kononenko: a.kononenko@uwf.org.ua 
068 9102489 

Announcement of the new First Step to Success-2012 contest

First Step to Success - 2012 contest has been launched!


Dear girls, if you have leadership capacities, want to brign benefit to your community, seek for opportunities for personal development and initial support for implementing your initiatives, we invite you to test yourselves and join pa5rticipants of First Step to Success program.

Girls aged 16-23 are invited to participate. Special attention is paid to participating girls from remoute regions, small towns and villages.

The contest winners will have opportunity to:

  • spend two interesting days in Kyiv, where they'll meet and communicate with the Program winners and successful women having significant achievements in cultural, social and business life of the country;
  • take part in training programs and master classes;
  • take part in mini-grants competition and receive financing to implement own leadership projects and ideas;
  • have internship and receive practical experience of work in non-governmental organization;
  • join the Forum of young female leaders and communicate with peers; 
  • be involvedin other events and international projects.

Participation in the program, including travel, accommodation and meals, is free of charge for its winners.


To become the contest participant it is necessary to:

1.    Fill the questionnaire form «I want to improve the life of my community». Questionnaire form is attached.

Preference will be given to the works:

-       Authors of which will be able to display their personality, show own attitude to the set problem, their leadership potential;

-       With original, new, interesting ideas and feasible ways to improve life in community;

-       Authors of which won't postpone writing their works till the very deadline.

2.    Send the work before April 17,2012 to e-mail anna@uwf.kiev.ua or mailing address of Ukrainian Women's Fund: 79 Artema street, office 38, Kyiv 04050.


Works that are sent late and that do not comply with the contest requirements, will not be considered.

All participants will be informed about the contest results before May 20, 2012.


We are sure that youth plays a special role in the life of the country. That's why First Step to Success Program strives to give an incentive, contribute to development and support girls, who want to be useful for their communities, but do not have enough possibilities, knowledge and experience to realize their talents.


If you want to learn more about the Program events and its participants, we invite you to visit First Step to Success Internet Journal

The Program's Organizational Committee

International Charitable Foundation "Ukrainian Women's Fund", Center for Ukrainian Reform Education (CURE), Women’s Health and Family Planning Foundation, Charitable Foundation "Help Us Help the Children --Ukraine"

Contact person:

Anna Kononenko, First Step to Success Program Coordinator


095 282 99 65


New on Ukrainian Women's Portal