That which does not kill us makes us stronger. There were number of trials in my life, and I learned to repeat for myself and for other people, that everything happens for the better, and under no circumstances one can lose heart! While we fight - we live! Ilnytska Yulia, 2012 winner

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Address: 27, Chornovola str., office 221, Kyiv 01135
Òel.: (+380 44) 507-06-10
Anna Kononenko: 
068 9102489 

Story of one project - Zanyk Khrystyna, 2007 program winner

After winning in 2007 contest Khrystyna has stayed devoted civil society activist and Ukrainian Women's Fund supported her initiatives twice already. In 2011 within "School of Active Youth" project she organized a complex of events directed at educating active youth in Kolomyia town (Ivano-Frankivsk region) 

The School supposed active education for girls and boys during a month. The school curriculum cntais a series of trainings, which include both theoretical and practical modules, topics that concern civil society activism and personal development and help young people to realize their creatiove and intellectual potential as effective as possible.

Besides, the School participants conducted three successful actions. They were "Morning run" sporting action, charitable action "Give your smile to a child" and educational action "Love Ukrainian-made things".

«In the School of Active Youth I found new friends, learned a lot of interesting things about civil society activsm and first time conducted own action - morning run - together with others. It turned out to be not so easy as it seemed. I am happy that I became participant of this project. I hope that I would continue my civil society activism: it is useful and interesting», - tells the School participant Olena Pechenyuk.


About actions from their participants:

Morning run of the School of Active Youth

"On Sunday, May 8, at 9:00 we had mass morning run in Kolomyia. peopl of different age, tastes and professions went out to run. The action was organized in 3 stages: first young activists made energizer and ran one cirle round the lake; then there was a training that helped loosen up and get a lot of energy for the whole day. Exercise was conducted by PT teacher and trainer of youth break dance team  «Adwanced crew» – Yuriy Yastremskiy. in the ned of the action the team members showed their skills in 10 minutes' dance and pursuaded everybody that sports is health and be healthy is cool:)"

Koryagin Dmytro,

Graduate of the School of Active Youth

 Charitable action of the School of Active Youth

"For us, fully safe people, it is difficult to imagine the feelings of a child, whose parents refused him/her or were deprived parental rights. And almost helpless child stays alone with severe environment, with too little love, care and safety. There are orphans all over the world, and our country is not an exception.

Charitable action took place in Kolomyia on May 11, 2011. The action's goal was to attract attention of society to the problems of orphans and to involve Kolomyia inhabitants in charity.


There are a lot of charitable organizations in our town, but very often inhabitants ignore them, and some peple don't know how to join charitable activities.

The action itself took place in the center of the town, in the form of maraphon. It was a walk from town's council to town orphanage with posters, bright baloons and slogans. The main action's slogan was «I wish every child in our country feels happy and has a chance for full-fledged future». Students and pupils of local educational institutions also joined the action. Each action participant came with some contribution – either toy, or clothes, or sweets. All charitable gifts were given personally to children with special physical and psychological needs from Kolomyia orphanage".

Yulia Semchuk,

charitable action participant,

Graduate of the School of Active Youth


Video success stories of 2012 projects
Success stories of the program winners. Natalia Kryvoi, Zhytomyr
Story of one project, Plyuta Chrtstyna
Success events of te current project - Kit (Plyuta) Khystyna, Lviv, 2007 winner
Story of one project - Zanyk Khrystyna, 2007 program winner
Striding to Success - Chabanenko Tetyana (Kostina), 2007 winner, Simferopol
Story of one event - Vdovichen Anastasia, 20100 program winners, Okhtyrka, Sumy region
Striding to Success - Havrylova Anastasiya, 2008 program winner, Mykolayiv
Year after Victory - Yana Verteba, 2010 program winner, Mariupol
Striding to Success - Kozlyuk Olha, 2006 program winner, Kamyanka, Rivne region
Striding to Success - Dekhtyariova Oksana, 2007 program winner, Luhansk
Shcherbakova Valeria, Zaporizhia region, Melitopol, Project: Treasure-Hunter
Tvardovska Vita, Mykolayiv region, Snigurivka, Porject: Healthy Child – Healthy Nation
Samiylenko Yulia, Poltava region, Novy Martynovychy village. Project: The Spring of Soul
Sozonik Olha, Volyn region, Lutsk
Bahatska Lubov, Zaporizhia rgion, Tokmak; Project: Media Pelette: Youth Information page
Migali Zhanna, Zakarpattya, Uzhgorod, New Family
Kozachenko Olha (Balyuk Natalia) Lviv
Bilousenko Yulia - Kryvoy Natalia, Zhytomyr, Porject: Socialization of female students, including young mothers
Shteyuk Uliana, Lviv region, Vovkiv village. Project: Revival of theatrical and ritual traditions of Vovkiv village
Akopyan Karine, Kirovohrad, Project: Equal Access
Aleksiychk Khrystyna, Kherson, Project: Let`s make Kherson clean!

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